Today was an active rest day, meaning I took a day off of exercise but still took a yoga class. It was just what I needed today. I woke up hungry for a piece of PB&J sprouted grain toast.

Then a few hours later after yoga class I had a second breakfast, Siggi's yogurt and a juicy peach. This was my first time trying Siggi's Icelandic style skyr strained non-fat yogurt. I purchased the vanilla flavor and it was very good! This is pricey yogurt so I don't think I'll be eating it regularly, but it was a delicious, high protein treat this morning.
The vanilla flavor was not overpowering and complimented the peach nicely.
By early afternoon my sweet tooth kicked in so I had a mug of tea and a mini bowl of raw almonds and dark chocolate M&Ms.
My itty bitty bowl cured my sweet tooth.
I didn't feel like preparing lunch so I grabbed a piece of cold pizza leftover from Saturday. I have a soft spot for cold pizza!
And the leftover trend continued at dinner. I took all of the leftovers from last night and re-created my taco salad.
- romaine lettuce
- pearl barley
- vegetarian refried beans
- tomatoes
- onion
- bell pepper
- fresh corn
- grated carrot
- shredded cheese
- Cholula hot sauce
I decided to wash my yoga mats tonight. It's been a few months since they got a bath. I usually give them a sponge bath in the tub but tonight I decided to do a little research on alternate cleaning methods. Apparently a lot of people just toss them in the washing machine and line dry them. I thought I'd give that method a try, so my yoga mats are currently whirling around my washing machine in a sudsy bath of eco- friendly lavender scented detergent. I hope they turn out ok!
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