Chris and I slept in, threw a few things in a bag and headed to the beach. Playalinda Beach is located on the Atlantic coast in the Merrit Island National Wildlife Refuge by Kennedy Space Center. Apparently it's a popular nude beach.

The waves were rough so the surfers were plentiful.
You can see the two space shuttle launch complexes from the boardwalk.
We set up our beach chairs and Chris made fun of me for using an umbrella for shade!
And I threw a few snacks in our beach bag, some fruit and a half empty bag of pretzels. I guess you could call this breakfast??? I ate a handful of grapes, one strawberry and a handful of pretzels.
Then we hit the waves!
We had a great time! For some reason I was craving a maple doughnut. I only eat about 3 doughnuts a year but when the mood strikes, I MUST eat one! We fluked into driving past a drive through Dunkin Donuts on our way home.
We got home and jumped straight in the pool for another swim. After swimming and showering I was pretty hungry. I really hadn't eaten anything substantial all day. I had a vegan sausage on an organic spelt bun with some raw veggies.
A few hours later I met my book club for our monthly meeting at a local Irish pub and restaurant. The food didn't look appealing, but I did order a black and tan. I only took a few more sips after I took this photo. I didn't want to drink too much since I wasn't eating.
I went to use the restroom and found this cigarette machine! When was the last time you saw one of these?
On my way home from book club I realized I was really hungry and wouldn't be able to wait until breakfast. The only thing that sounded good was a bowl of oats. I made a triple batch of banana oats and saved two servings for breakfast this week. I ate tonight's serving with a scoop of 0% Fage.
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