Yawn! I slept like a rock last night and woke up hungry. I was out of bananas so I decided to make pumpkin pie oats. Fortunately I had a can of organic pumpkin waiting for me in the pantry.

- 1/3 cup oats cooked with 1/3 cup water, 1/3 cup milk & dash of salt
- stir in large spoonful pumpkin near the end of cooking
- mix in ground flax, pumpkin pie spice and a teaspoon of brown sugar
- top with a few sprinkles of CHEESECAKE and raw almonds
YUMMO! I came home to find a slice of cheesecake in the refrigerator so I decided to use a bit as an oat topping this morning. It melted into a cheesecake icing over the oats. I wasn't sure if I was eating breakfast or dessert -- it was THAT good.
I got to work until I suddenly realized poor Tango was waiting for me to pick him up at the vet's! After I had Tango home and settled I grabbed a quick lunch.
This is one of the few frozen meals I truly enjoy. I almost always top it with extra peas. I love peas.
While I was enjoying my lunch I got a call from my friend Leslee reminding me of our afternoon swim lesson. Whoops! I had totally forgotten about it. I really wasn't in the mood for a swim lesson but I went anyway. I swam for about an hour and a half at the UCF pool.
Shortly after I got home Chris arrived home from a business trip - yay! After catching up we decided to stay in for dinner and have a relaxing evening at home. I was hungry and I knew dinner would be a while so I made us an appetizer of six Mary's Gone Crackers topped with Laughing Cow Light cheese and a sliced honeycrisp apple. Here are our individual plates of crackers and the one apple we shared.
Dinner was filling and delicious. I sauteed...
- onion
- bell pepper
- grated carrot
- fresh corn
- tomatoes
- black beans
Then I mixed in some tomato paste, chili powder, cumin, salt & pepper. I used the veggie/bean mixture as a sweet potato topping, over which I added a scoop of low fat cottage cheese for a protein boost.
Two things:
1. Where do you get your honeycrisp apples?
2. Bella gets all the limelight. Where are the healthy vegetarian Tango pix?!?
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