Day three in Southern California. Happy Birthday, Kellie!
I woke up early and went for a 6 mile run along the ocean. I threw some hill training into my workout by running up and down the long, steep ramps that lead down to the beach. It was a cool, foggy morning and it felt wonderful to stretch my legs.
Once showered I had a breakfast of hot tea and muesli (repeat recipe from yesterday).

After running some errands we stopped for lunch at Bonjour Cafe on our way to Mission San Juan Capistrano.
I had crepes with egg, swiss and tomato with a side of fresh fruit. I left about one half of one of the crepes. Too much food!
We arrived at the mission and began our tour.
Beautiful inner courtyard.
Statue of a Catholic missionary and a native boy next to the ruins of the Great Stone Church.
The family!
And we toured Father Serra's Church, a beautiful chapel that still holds 7am mass.
After touring the Mission we all got iced teas before heading back to Corona del Mar.
And after relaxing and chatting for an hour or so we headed out to Baja Fresh for a light dinner. I had the black bean and grilled veggie burrito. I almost forgot to photograph it!
Later in the evening Kellie and I went on a walk to the beach. I hate going to bed with a full stomach so the 45 minute brisk walk felt really good.
Flying home tomorrow morning -- it's been a great trip!
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