I was planning on going for a decent length run (around 8 miles) this morning, but I have felt tired and run down all day. I listened to my body and gave myself a rest day.
Apple Pie Oats was on the menu this morning. Man, was this tasty!
- 1/3 cup oats cooked with 1/2 of a small banana
- flax and cinnamon stirred in at the end of cooking
- topped with the rest of the banana and a few crumbles of apple pie
So comforting and filling.

I decided to go healthy and easy for lunch. Steamed broccoli and carrots with whole wheat pasta, a drizzle of balsamic vinegar, parmesan, salt & pepper.
Chris flew home from NYC this afternoon and I greeted him at the door with this fabulous lunch. He called me on his way home and told me he was going to stop for fast food so I offered to make him lunch instead. Brie baguette, fruit & a peanut butter blondie. I may have had a few bites of a blondie myself!
Several hours later I put out some leftovers for dinner. We had a nice dinner chatting about our week and nibbling on veggies, bread, dips, cheese and fruit.
And I enjoyed a glass of chardonnay with dinner.
I switched to Perrier after my one glass of wine because I have to go pick up a friend at the airport in a few hours.
Have a great holiday weekend!
Love the upgrade! And I can attest to the leftovers being yummy.
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