I had a super productive day today -- love those days, don't you? I woke up, did a few chores around the house, then headed out for a quick three mile run. After I cooled down I made myself some french press coffee and a piece of sprouted grain toast with cashew butter and natural strawberry jam.

I kept my breakfast light because I knew I had a delicious lunch waiting for me! Around 1:00 pm I reheated my leftover pasta and veggies from last night. I had to keep myself from inhaling it so I could enjoy the flavors.
Around 3:30 pm I went for another 3 mile run along the trail by my gym. I'm training for a relay race and the training schedule suggests you train by doing multiple runs in one day. Today was my first attempt. The last mile of my second 3 mile run was HOT so I slowed to a walk. My car read 100 degrees. By the time I was done with my 3 miles I was sweaty, shaky and needed food ASAP. Fortunately my gym has a snack bar and I was able to pick up a protein bar which I immediately ate in about 15 seconds. I don't have a photo because I didn't have my camera. But I can tell you it contained Designer Whey and had 15 grams of protein and 180 calories.
After eating my protein bar in record time, I jumped in the pool for some swimming drills. It felt soooo good to get in the water after my hot, sweaty run. And I did remember to shower before getting in the pool!
Once home I made myself a green smoothie.
- spinach
- green apple
- banana
- flax
- oats
- greek yogurt
- splash of milk
- ice
Then I had some friends over for a movie night! I drank some wine (unphotographed) and munched on these crackers, cheese, hummus, pear and apple. Thanks Jenni for bringing the delicious snacks!
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