I swear they didn't give me decaf at dinner last night. I was a busy body until about 2:30 am, which is very unlike me. Consequently, I blew off my 6 am wake up call for an early morning open water swim, which was my original plan for this morning's workout. Instead I slept in, took care of some chores around the house, then hit the YMCA for a short treadmill run and a 30 minute lap swim. Since I was still full from dinner last night, I skipped breakfast and just snacked on a banana while I drove to the gym.

After my workout I had 15 minutes to grab a coffee before heading to YogaMatrix for a journaling workshop. It was an awesome workshop! And although I didn't feel hungry my stomach was audibly growling. I drank my iced latte and found a stray protein bar in the bottom of my gym bag.
I like the flavor of Think Thin bars and I really like the fact that they contain 20 grams of protein with zero grams of sugar. However, this particular bar was so beat up and melted from being in my gym bag in the hot car that eating it was a long, messy process.
By the time I got home it was 3:45 and I figured I'd better have a snack to hold me over until dinner. Chris and I are going to dinner and a movie tonight, so I didn't want to eat anything too heavy. I decided a smoothie would be the perfect "meal."
I threw the following in my Vita-Mix blender...
- Four whole strawberries (tops and all)
- Big handful spinach
- a few baby carrots
- 1/4 of a frozen banana
- large scoop of cottage cheese
- 1 tbs hemp protein powder
- 1 tbs flax
- drizzle of raw honey
- ice cubes
- a splash of water
The result? Fugly but tasty! It looked a bit like a poop smoothie, but it was very nutritious and quite good. It filled me up perfectly and will hopefully hold me over until dinner.
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