This morning I got up and headed out for a 9 mile run. I filled my water bottles with a mix of G2 (low cal Gatorade) and water.

Man was it hot out there today! I try to keep my heart rate in the 150s when I go for long runs, but I overheated around mile 6 and my heart rate jumped into the high 170s. I had to slow it down and take walk breaks the last three miles to keep myself from having a heat stroke. I guess that's what you get when you run outdoors in Florida in August. Good thing I was packing water.

I brought to a low boil 1/4 cup oats, thinly sliced half of a banana, 1/4 cup of water, 1/4 cup of milk, and a dash of sea salt, then reduced the heat to low and stirred for about five minutes while cooking. Here's my pot before the burner was turned on.
At the end of cooking I added about 1 tbs of Bob's Red Mill muesli (for a little crunch), and 1 tbs flax. Here are the oats after they've been cooked, with the muesli & flax stirred in.

I topped my bowl with a scoop of Fage greek yogurt, a small dollop of almond butter, the remaining half of my banana, and a sprinkle of sliced almonds.
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