Chris and I slept in, went for a run around the neighborhood, and then headed to First Watch for brunch. I love First Watch not only for their great food, but for the fact that they give you your own pot of coffee and pitcher of water. The water was especially welcome today as we were sitting outside in Florida, in August, in the 97 degree humidity! But that still didn't stop me from having a cup of hot coffee.
I ordered the veggie omelet.
Look at all of the veggies inside!
Here's my "after" shot. As you can tell, I left a good portion of the carbs on my plate.
Because I made up for it by sharing the blueberry pancake!
We ran a few errands after brunch, one of them being a trip to Costco. Here's my loot: organic spring mix, extra virgin olive oil, 0% Fage plain greek yogurt, Chobani non fat flavored greek yogurt variety pack (peach, blueberry & strawberry).
I know this is strange, but I never stir in the fruit flavors in my Chobani yogurt. The fruit is on the bottom, so I just scoop out the yogurt and leave the syrupy fruit in the container. The yogurt still has the fruit flavor, but without the unnecessary added sugar and calories. Without the fruit stirred in the yogurt retains its thicker consistency, and I love thick yogurt.
Look at this GIANT tub of Fage (2.2 lbs)! I've never seen this guy before so I just had to bring him home. I'll be eating a lot of yogurt over the next few weeks; good thing I love it!
When we got home I immediately made us each a yogurt snack. 1 container of strawberry Chobani, 2 sliced strawberries, 1/2 of a small banana, sprinkle of granola, sprinkle of almonds, sprinkle of flax.
And I just have to mention, the award for most offensive beauty product packaging goes to....

Seriously? Got Turkey Neck? Does this make you want to buy their product? Do you think that model on their packaging has severe turkey neck that that's why her picture is cut off from the lips down? I had to stop in the middle of Costco to document this marketing wonder.
Now it's time to start thinking about what to make for dinner. Turkey?
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